A joint conference of Central Bank Officers' Union and Staff Union (Nagpur) was conducted today on 13th November, 2022 at Nagpur which was attended by large number of Officers/Staff Members. Sh. Pichayya Muthiah, Regional Manager, RO Nagpur inaugurated the conference with his gracious presence.
RCBOC Office Bearers - Sh. T.K Venkatesh, Chairman, Sh. Subhash W. Chaudhary, President, Sh. JS Rao, Chief General Secretary & Sh. Ashok Rane, DGS graced the occasion as a guest of Honour. Sh. Suresh Bani, Working President AICBEC Raipur also joined the dignitaries. Sh. Abhishek Dorkar, Off. General Secretary CBSU Nagpur and Sh. Nagesh Dande General Secretary CBOU Nagpur graced the occasion.